Saturday, June 15, 2013


I've been contemplating starting a blog for a while now. Actually, I really want to make a YouTube channel, but what do I know about cameras and editing and all the work that actually goes into sitting down and filming? Besides, I'm not fond of pants or bras and that means I'd have to put at least one of the two on before the camera goes on or it would be an entirely different kinda video, if ya know what I mean. I figured I would start here and see where it takes me. I've always been a writer; not saying I am any good at it, but I've always enjoyed it, and that's half the battle. There's a lot less criticism with a blog:  basically all you can tell me is that my grammar and spelling may be a little "off". 

The first post is always the hardest. I don't really know where to begin. I should probably start by telling you guys a little bit about myself, but I really don't want to make this like an online dating profile. Don't know what I mean? Here:

I am Alyssa (Ah-Lis-Ah). I am 22 years old and born and raised in Canada (Ontario, to be specific). I enjoy movies, music, long walks on the beach...

Just kidding (somewhat). I love all things beauty:  hair, makeup, skincare, fashion. If you know me personally, the 'hair' and 'fashion' points may be a little confusing for you. (Side note: If you do not know me, recently I got sick of throwing my hair on top of my head so I decided to cut it all off. All 20 inches of wavy hair. Gone. I also am almost never in anything other than sweatpants. I don't know why. I just can't bring myself to do jeans. I hate jeans. I live in sweats, and I think this is perfectly acceptable). Just because I live in sweats, however, does not mean I cannot appreciate a good outfit and it does not mean I am incapable of putting one together myself. It just means I dress purely for comfort (and maybe a bit of laziness) and I find that is okay.). 

I am your average slacker. I sucked in high school - so badly, in fact, that I just got my high school diploma a year ago. Yes, at the age of 21, I finally graduated high school. I'm actually highly intelligent, I just didn't want to be there. I was going through personal issues, identity crises, etc. I am not ashamed of the time it has taken me, and I truly believe that it was for the best. If I didn't suck so much back when I was 14, 15, 16, 17, I wouldn't have graduated with an extremely acceptable average and contemplating which university I want to go to and for what. See, I have no idea where I want to be in my life and what I want to do with my vast array of skills...that was a joke. In all seriousness, I do not know what I want as a career, and that is scary. My problem is that I want to do and be everything:  journalist, lawyer, child and youth psychologist, makeup artist, gypsie, nomad, nudist. I just don't know. Maybe this blog will help me figure it out. That is, if anybody reads it...

I am happily in a relationship (going on two years now, which is a record for me) with my beautiful girlfriend, Melissa. And by now you're probably wondering "wait...Melissa...Alyssa...?" Yes, I am gay. Cat is officially out of the bag, I guess. You can hate on me if you want, but I can promise I have heard it all before. 

I guess I will insert like, a picture or something, of me so you know who is talking to you? Sure...

Pre-dramatic hair cut:

Post-dramatic hair cut:

Before and After (those are always fun):

So this is me, in all of my glory. I am 22, my room is a mess, I have no idea where I am going in my life. I love beauty, fashion, writing, my girlfriend, and I am just your average girl, I guess. I am not perfect or rich and I have crooked teeth and I hate my smile. I have zits and wear sweatpants as often as I possibly can. I don't want to have to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on makeup, just to look and feel pretty. I use drugstore makeup and I am not ashamed. Maybe one day I will branch out, maybe I won't, but for now, I will just be over here in sweatpants and lipstick.

xoxo, Alyssa

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